Carpets and rugs are all about beautifying the inner décor of the house. Added to that is the comfort factor. Thanks to carpets, most of these concrete floors stay under and these soft, padded materials aid in the process of walking, sitting, and so on. However, it is very important to be mindful of carpet cleaning mistakes while cleaning them.
Besides, carpets are great add-ons for flooring. Think of colder climes and you will know how beneficial they are for the inmates of the house. You can choose carpets in all shades, sizes, colors, designs, and patterns. The real challenge lies in maintenance.
What Constitutes Mistakes in Carpet Cleaning?
Read through the below-mentioned mistakes commonly made while cleaning carpets, and how you would avoid them.
Delaying the Cleaning
The longer you wait in removing a stain, the more will be the difficulty in complecalltoy removing it. If you keep waiting for a spill to dry out, the liquid soaks inside the carpet fibers and then gets absorbed in the carpet padding. Later, when you detect the spot, the fabric has already taken more damage, there’s no odor, and mold growths are common.
Vigorous Cleaning of the Stain
Not many realize this, but once you apply a lot of pressure in cleaning the carpet, the fibers get damaged. Vigorous scrubbing is a very ineffective mode of removing stains.
Chances are high that the stain gets inside the caret furthermore. The fibers usually become untwisted, and they tend to fray. Alternatively, you can resort to blotting.
Not Using Runners or Long Rugs
For starters,runners or long rugs are best suited in commercial spaces, where the traffic is comparatively a little higher than normal. Using runners is a safer deal since all such wear and tear are usually avoided.
Instead, if you neglect using the runner, the worn-out areas will require replacing faster than normal. And carpets aren’t quite cheap! So, invest in area rug cleaning.
Choosing Incorrect Cleaning Products
One of the common carpet cleaning mistakes is using any cleaner you feel, especially for small stains. One look at the internet and you will be flooded with natural products doing the rounds for cleaning stains.
Since carpets come in multiple fibers, they must be handled in specific ways. Try talking to carpet manufacturers or someone knowledgeable having a fair idea of safe products to be used on carpets.
Using Excess Chemicals
Contrary to the common notion that more is better, the reality is carpet cleaning solutions must be checked well before purchasing. Also, the exact quantity of the product and the frequency of its use must be seen, so that a cleaner carpet is what you get at the end. Don’t oversaturate with harsh chemicals, lest unnecessary build-up of the residue occurs.
Not Testing a New Product
No matter how good the product is, it is recommended you do a patch test beforehand to assess if the chemical is likely to react with the carpet. Based on the strength of the solution, you can obtain a fair idea of how much the item will impact the hidden area. Also, check to see if the color is bleached or if sufficient damage is caused to the fibers.
Using Bad-Quality Deodorizers
Nowadays, there’s no dearth of deodorant powders that can be used on carpets. But the rule is to see if it’s just the fragrance that you are attracted to it in the first place.
Just because it smells nice doesn’t mean it’s a worthy substitute for cleaning! Some powders can often lead to gunk over time, especially when the vacuuming hasn’t been strong enough.
Avoiding Deep Cleaning
Believe it or not, carpets tend to attract more germs than even toilet seats! So, if you want a noticeable difference in your home décor, clean the caret wisely.
And sometimes, the deep-cleaning techniques work wonders, if you are not indulging in self-cleaning. Check for the skills of workers and read the reviews of registered cleaners.
Not Resorting to Professional Cleaners
As stressed earlier, try and find only licensed, and certified professionals who can help you with professional cleaning. Just because the process can burn a hole in your pocket, it is not a wise decision to always accomplish the job by yourself. Reality said services are not always extremely expensive.
Failing to Rent Proper Cleaning Tools
Despite your best intentions, some of these rental carpet machines do more harm than you would ever think. Check to see that the machinery used doesn’t leave the excess solution and that consistent resoiling is prevented.
Carpet cleaning mistakes are common in most households and industrial spaces too. But, the intent is to reach a point where these are minimized considerably. If you do not have the time, contacting experts or rug cleaning service providers will be of immense benefit.